Blessed Assurance

Scripture Reading: Romans 15:13
“Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.”

Blessed Assurance

Father, we thank you because you are our secure hiding place. We thank you because you always fill our hearts with songs of deliverance. We thank you for the blessed assurance that Jesus is ours and today we pray that that assurance will be enabled in our lives. Lord, decode your Word to us and help us to understand it; let insecurities and fear depart from the lives of your children in Jesus’ name.

Many Christians are crippled beneath the spirit of fear; they are operating with a lack of confidence. Various complexes based on their past experiences are pressing them into depression. I speak today to that strong man of heaviness; I say leave God’s people alone and let the enabled assurance, the blessed assurance that Jesus is on their side, bring about a new level of confidence in God.

Do you know that you know that you are a child of God? To have blessed assurance means that you have mighty confidence. When something is blessed, it is enabled. When someone is blessed, they have been enabled and empowered to prosper. When we have a blessed assurance in our lives, confidence in God has been enabled. We are empowered with confidence in God; we have been given the anointing of trust in God.

I pray today that if there is anyone who in anyway feels that they are unsure they belong to Jesus, that today the Lord God Almighty will give you His blessed assurance. I pray that God will enable confidence in you, empower you to trust Him because trust essentially brings about an assurance that you are secure, that you are safe, that no power formed against you shall stand. That empowered confidence causes you to believe the Bible, to hope in God, to trust in God, to know that He will never fail you because He has never failed you yet.

To be assured means the security of knowing. To have the assurance that you are a child of God and that your name is written in the book of life in heaven can only come when you have enablement from the living God. The Bible says that blessed assurance is available to those who are the elect. If you are one of the chosen children of God then you have this assurance; trust and faith in God is enabled in you. You now have union with Christ, you are in possession of eternal life, and you have peace. The fruit of someone who has a blessed assurance is that you will believe God’s Word. You will have the peace that comes when you believe God’s Word; you accept that Jesus Christ is your Saviour, and you consider the work at Calvary to be all-sufficient. You will literally be able to stand on the promises of God because that is your foundation. You will have a hunger for a closer walk with the One in whom you trust; you will desire spiritual things and spiritual growth. May God give us that ability to believe God’s Word, that ability to know that the shed blood of Jesus saves us, and that ability to desire spiritual things and spiritual growth in grace. You will have an inner peace that passes your understanding and your circumstances. Inner peace makes you confident in fearful times; that is blessed assurance. With inner peace you have joy and with joy you will have victorious living .

We may be familiar with that hymn “Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine,” but is our assurance absolute trust in God? Is your assurance level in its enabled or disabled state? We all have the seed of assurance; trust is in us, but in some lives it has been disabled.

Have you been enabled to have confidence in God, to trust God, to believe God’s Word, to desire spiritual growth, to have inner peace that passes all understanding, to have joy, to have victorious living ? Beloved, if you trust in God, may you grow from grace to grace and from glory to glory in this state of enabled blessed assurance.

If you are a Christian and you do not trust God, I want to say to you today that your assurance has not been enabled and I pray today in the name of Jesus that God in His mercy will give His assurance to you. I pray that God will give you that absolute confidence and trust to work with Him in the way only God can.

Prayer Points:

I pray that you may have the joy and peace in believing; that you may have that blessed assurance today in Jesus’ name. May trust and power be enabled in you today in Jesus’ name.
But if you have never given your life to Christ pray along with me, “Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you. I accept you as my personal Saviour. Bless me with your blessed assurance, I pray, in Jesus’ name. Amen.”


Everlasting Father


Beware of Bewitchment