My God from My Mother’s Womb

Scripture Reading: Psalm 22:9–11
“But thou art he that took me out of the womb: thou didst make me hope when I was upon my mother’s breasts. I was cast upon thee from the womb: thou art my God from my mother’s belly. Be not far from me; for trouble is near; for there is none to help.”

My God from My Mother’s Womb

Father God, we thank you for providing a safe hiding place in you. You are the Rock of Ages; the one who was cleft for us. Give us the grace to hide deeper in you for you always fill our hearts with songs of deliverance.

Have you ever been in a difficult situation where you were overwhelmed by a challenge, but from the depth of your spirit- man arose a song of deliverance? Have you found yourself singing a song of breakthrough while still in the midst of a difficult situation? God threw this rope to pull you out of the pit; He remains faithful to you.

It is necessary to remember from whence you came, especially when facing a challenge. You can talk to God and say, “Lord, we’ve come a long way together, even from the day I was conceived.” Your mother and father did not know when you came into being but God knew and He has been with you through every challenge in your life. So pray to God to continue in His faithfulness. Pray like David and ask God to manifest His Presence. You may think your relationship with God started the day you surrendered your life to Christ, but in reality, He was the one who took you out of the womb. He was the one who gave you hope when you were upon your mother’s breast. How does a baby hope? Children who need to be fed, changed, sheltered, and protected must have faith.

They have confidence that suckling will bring nourishment; they trust that their mother’s love will be there.

Always remember that your relationship with God began when you began, from the day He allowed you to be conceived. It was God who guaranteed that your mother would not forget to breastfeed you. God who loved you yesterday is still in love with you today and will continue to be in love with you tomorrow. God who delivered you at your birth is delivering you today and will deliver you tomorrow. God who provided for you yesterday, is providing for you today and will yet provide for you forever because He is an unchanging God.

Because God is settled, His Word is settled; and I am sharing with you from the settled Word of God. You may have just begun to take God seriously, but He took you so seriously, He caused you to be conceived; He delivered you from the abortion table. He took you seriously enough to make sure that you were provided for and He guaranteed the blessed assurance that you were covered by His love. God who is faithful to you is telling you to call on Him in any situation, no matter how challenging, and He will bless you with songs of deliverance. Talk to God, like David did in this Psalm. Have a vibrant relationship with God. Tell Him like it is, communicate with Him and put things in perspective. God is the God who brought you out of your mother’s womb. May His praise be continually in your mouth!

Prayer Points:

You need to surrender your life to Jesus if you have not done so. Pray and say, “Dear Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you. I confess and forsake my sins. Cleanse me from my sins with your blood and write my name in the book of life. Fill me with your Spirit and let me walk with you with the consciousness of my beginnings with you.”

Father God, thank you for bringing us out of our mothers’ wombs. Thank you for your faithfulness, your deliverance, and your mercies. Put a song of deliverance in the mouths of all your people. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.


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