Expose My Hidden Blessings

Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 33:3
“Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.”

Expose My Hidden Blessings

Father God, remember me for good. Reconnect me to my blessings today, in the name of Jesus.

There are many who are blessed with God’s provisions but have no consciousness of it. They are crying for something that is already in their hands; they are fasting and praying for blessings that God has already released. This was the case for the children of Israel in 2 Kings 7:1–20. There was a famine in the land and unaware that God had made provision for them, the children were desperate for food. The Lord, realizing the needs of His people, had already spoken to the Israelites through Elisha, who prophesied that on the next day, the famine would reverse and the price of food would decline.

How is it possible for a famine to end in just one day? Indeed this prophecy was true; while the Israelites faced this terrible famine, they were unaware that the Lord had already released food through their neighboring enemies, the Syrians.

God raised up four lepers who were not afraid of their enemies and who entered the Syrian camp seeking food. Astonishingly, the men discovered that God had caused the Syrians to hear the thunderous sound of chariots and abandon their camp in fear, leaving an abundance of food. There, in the camp of their enemies, food was waiting for the Israelites!

Fear may be preventing you from recognizing and receiving God’s blessings, but the enemies you fear are in fact afraid. They are not just afraid, but they have also run away because the Lord has caused them to hear a noise. So go and possess.

God has begun to give the gift to possess because God is ready for you to receive all that He has released. If you are a child of God, you know God is faithful, responsible, and caring. He is also the God of abundance. Do you think He would put you in lack spiritually, physically, or financially? The reality is that in your ignorance, your blessings are hidden from you; you need God to expose them. And as God exposes them, pray that He also covers the areas where you are vulnerable.

Some of us have exposed ourselves to our families where we are remote- controlled by them and are hurting. Many are vulnerable because we have exposed ourselves to friends who are really enemies. Still others have been made vulnerable in church. We have no choice but to relate to people, but we must first be vulnerable to God. Just as Laban and Jacob said to one another, “The Lord watch between me and thee,” Genesis 31:49, pray that the Lord gives you the understanding and grace to place your relationships under His scrutiny; that we will not take advantage of each other’s vulnerabilities and do one another evil. Only by the superimposition of the cover of the blood of Jesus upon every relationship can there be healing.

Call on the living God to cover your vulnerabilities and expose your hidden blessings, for Jeremiah 33:3 says that we should call upon God and He will show us great and mighty things of which we do not know.

Prayer Points:

O Father God, I know that there are blessings due to me because you are a faithful God who never changes. What you say, you will do. I ask for the grace to expose and receive the exposure of my hidden blessings. As I call upon you, Father, show me great and mighty things of which I do not know. As you expose, I pray that you will also cover my vulnerabilities; the sensitive areas of my life that I have exposed to others. O Lord, cover me, in Jesus’ name.

Beloved, this is only possible if your life is given to Jesus. So if you are not born again, pray, “Lord Jesus, I confess and forsake my sins. Cleanse me from my sins with your blood.
Write my name in the book of life and show me my hidden blessings. Let me be one of those filled and led by your Spirit in Jesus’ name.


Anointing to Prophesy


Divine Covering