
Scripture Reading: Joel 2:25–26
“And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you. And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed.”


Father God, we thank you because you are the restorer of our soul. Lord, your Word says to us in Psalm 23 that you restore our soul. living God, you know the state of our soul, you know the state of our mind, and you know where each of your children are right now. I pray in the name of Jesus, that by your grace, you will restore all that has been lost.

Restoration means returning something to its original state. Are you one of God’s people? His Word to you today is that you should not worry because He will restore to you all that you have lost, because He is willing and able, and because He is the only one who can. What can be restored? Whatever that can be lost. You can lose your joy. God in His mercy will restore your joy and let sorrow depart from your life. Many are walking around like the living dead. God can and will restore your life to you. If you are in lack today, prosperity will be restored to you. Even if you are cursed, He will break the curse and restore your blessings to you.

How do you know that you need to be restored? In the physical, brethren, when there is a loss or stress, the body gives warning or alarm through headache, pain, or other symptoms. You begin not to feel well in your body. In the spiritual, when there is a loss, your spirit man also gives you an alarm: the alarm of restlessness and the absence of peace. Your soul feels discontent. You do not know what is wrong, but you feel that something is. Your head does not know it, but your spirit man knows that you have lost some virtue; peace and quiet are lost.

Restoration begins with an interesting word: rest. Rest means peace and quiet. But that rest can only come from restoring what has been lost spiritually. When you get restoration, peace and quiet return to your spirit. When we are physically strained or feel pain, we do something about it: we see the doctor, take medication, take a vitamin. But when we feel a spiritual loss, it manifests, if you are a Christian, in a spiritual restlessness. You feel a burden inside you, but your head, your intellect, does not recognize what it is. Your spirit man, however, knows, and when you get to that place it is time to pray for rest and peace in the midst of your soul.

How do you get restoration spiritually? This is not the time to call everybody and say, “I don’t know how I’m feeling. I think it is this, I think it is that.” First and foremost, you will find spiritual restoration in the Word of God. Read the Bible. Pray the Bible. Sing the Bible. Listen to the Word. Listen to songs of worship. Listen to uplifting songs based on the Word of God. Listen to prayer and prophetic messages. David said, “He restores my soul.” The Lord replenishes your depleting spiritual virtues and your anointing because He is the restorer of your soul. Do you feel restlessness in your spirit today?

I pray that God in His mercy will speak to you through His Word, that you return to the place of praying and worshipping in the spirit and in truth. Pray because the spirit man knows. The Bible says that we do not know what we should pray for, but the Spirit itself makes intercession for us with groanings too deep to utter. I pray that God will alert you to the realization that you cannot afford any loss when your spirit man gives you that alarm. It is time to pray, time to praise, time to read the Word, time to fill yourself up, to fuel yourself with what brings the anointing. The anointing does not just come by some great man or woman of God laying hands on you; it comes in the same way you drink water. When you drink the water of the Word and the water of praise and worship, living waters will spring forth from you, and the anointing will fill you and restore your soul.

Prayer Points:

Father God, I pray for those who are at that place where they are saying, “My soul is not content; I feel terrible inside.” O living God, do what only you can do for your children. I pray that in the name of Jesus you divinely restore all that has been lost spiritually and physically. I pray that you will restore joy to those who are sorrowful today. Restore love to the one who is lonely and loveless. Restore resources to the one whose resources have been stolen, delayed, denied, diverted or depleted. May total restoration manifest in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.


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